Expungement & Non Disclosure
Your history follows you wherever you go. Even if you've never been convicted of a crime, your name and identity may be associated with a charge that was never pursued or another person's crime. Mistakes happen in our life, and when your name is associated with criminal conduct it can affect your career, your personal life, your finances, and most importantly, your reputation. Your history is your business, and nobody else's.
Are mistakes from your past holding you back? Call me and let's see how we can get you moving forward again.
In certain circumstances and upon petition by a criminal defendant, a court may direct certain law enforcement agencies to destroy any records associated with an arrest and prosecution. If you qualify, you may be able to prevent information regarding jail records, police reports, prosecution reports and court files from ever being seen by the public. Except in a very narrow set of circumstances, if you successfully expunge your records you can even deny the occurrence of your arrest and the existence of the expunction order.
If you have ever been placed under arrest for the commission of either a felony or misdemeanor, you may be eligible for an expunction of your records.
Order of Non Disclosure
If you are not eligible for an expunction, you might think about pursuing an Order of Non Disclosure. If you've ever been placed on deferred adjudication community supervision, completed your conditions, and subsequently received a satisfactory discharge and dismissal, you may be eligible. Your criminal history just doesn't seal itself, and an order of Non Disclosure may prevent your records from ever being released to the public.